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I prefer to work by the hour and bill monthly.
I am happy to connect with you over the phone or in person for an initial free consultation.
$50 per hour
* Meetings and communications with me
* Editing (developmental editing, line editing, and copyediting)
*Writing content
*$32 per hour for proofreading
*Rush jobs have a $5 mark up per hour
I am also willing to negotiate terms that work for my clients using the rates presented by the Editorial Freelancers Association.
As of October 2020, I am now a Publishing Partner with BookBaby. By clicking this link, you can find out more about this self-publishing company. I can help you develop your book or you can do it on your own.
Full-dislosure: I receive a 10% commission if you click on the link AND follow through on self-publishing your first book.
CPO Science
Carolina Biological Supply
Jacqueline Guerrero
Joe Henderson and Alaskan Arctic Expeditions
John Ashford
Dick Cooley
Valeria Riedmann Lorca
"Mary Beth Abel is steady and patient. Helping me on my book, she has gone beyond simple editing, consistently advising me and steering me in constructive directions. Her assistance has been immeasurably valuable in the many decisions that have had to be made".
-- John Ashford, author of Meeting the Mantis [May 7, 2015]
Mary Beth has been my editor for the past two years. Any time I had to submit a paper for publication or worked on a research project, Mary Beth provided professional editorial work of the highest standard. She usually adds recommendations and ideas for improvement of my papers, always with excellent results. I will definitely keep reaching out to her for future publications. She is a superb editor!
-- Dr. Valeria Riedmann Lorca, PhD, University of Oxford, currently an Affiliate Instructor at the University of Washington (Department of Classics) and instructor of Art History, Anthropology, and Visual Communication courses at the Northwest College of Art & Design [March 15, 2022]
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